Author Archives: admin

How to Cope with Detergent Allergies at the Laundromat

Detergent Allergy

Go to any grocery store or pharmacy and you’ll discover at least half a dozen detergent brands. Understandably, whenever you go to the laundromat, everyone brings a different detergent. For most people, this doesn’t matter—why should someone else’s preferences bother them? However, if you have skin or respiratory sensitivities, then the chemicals and fragrances brought to the laundromat will affect you. Continue reading

How to Sort Your Laundry beyond Colour

Sort Laundry

“Separate your lights from your darks.” Does this advice sound familiar? It’s become the cardinal rule of laundry, yet so few actually adhere to it. Worse, most of us don’t even realize that colour separation is only one method of sorting. When it comes to fabric preservation, splitting your loads by texture and weight is far more important. Continue reading

Save Your Clothes with These 4 Stain Removal Remedies

Stain Removal Remedies

We never expect to stain our clothes, but that doesn’t mean we can’t prepare for the worst. When stains occur, we must act swiftly. Leaving a stain untreated too long allows it to set. Same goes for washing and drying stained clothes without the proper attention.

Different stains require different solutions to remove. Find below four pesky stains and how to eradicate them from your clothes. Continue reading

Is Liquid or Powder Laundry Detergent Better?

Liquid or Powder Laundry Detergent

Any grocer, pharmacy or general store will sell both liquid and powder detergents. But besides the price, how are you to decide which to buy? Both varieties work well, but the efficiency and eco-friendliness of each differs. As well, some machines work better with powders—especially older units—so you must consider the specifications of your washer. Continue reading

The Best Time to Go to the Laundromat

The Best Time to Go to the Laundromat

Laundry is a chore most dread. Unless given the luxury of an endless wardrobe, it’s something we must do at least once a week. Families and couples might up this frequency to avoid piles around the home.

One reason many of us shy away from our laundry duties is time. The average wash cycle takes at least half an hour to complete. Dryers, whenever used, can double or triple this time. That’s a major commitment, especially during the work week. So the last thing you want is to get stuck between machines. But to avoid lines and waits, you must pick a quiet time and claim your spot. Continue reading