What Can I Do If I Accidentally Shrink My Clothes?

Accidentally Shrink Clothes

Has anyone ever recommended shopping one size bigger to combat fabric shrinkage? If so, they are unaware that this problem is reversible with a few household products. Follow the steps below to restore any clothes pulled from the dryer a little bit smaller.

  1. Fill a sink or bathtub with lukewarm water and add baby shampoo or conditioner.
  2. Toss the afflicted apparel into the water and let soak.
  3. Massage the fabric underwater, relaxing the fibers back to their normal size.
  4. Pull from the water and wring out vigorously.
  5. Wrap in a towel to soak up any excess water.
  6. Tug gently on the clothes to stretch them back into shape, and then hang them to dry.

For the steps above to work as intended, do not rinse the shampoo or conditioner from the clothes. These products help the fabrics revert and not settle back into a retracted state.

Another Stretching Strategy for Tight Denim

Some jeans take more than baby shampoo or conditioner to return to their original length. If you encounter a stubborn pair of jeans, you’ll need at least ten minutes to break them in.

  1. Wrestle the jeans on (no need to buckle them if too small).
  2. Fill a bathtub with lukewarm water.
  3. Sit in the water wearing the jeans to ensure every fibre gets adequately soaked.
  4. Walk around in your soggy jeans for a few minutes after exiting the tub.
  5. Hang dry the jeans from the waist.

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