How to Transport Your Laundry: Basket vs Bag

Transport Laundry

Bringing your clothes to the laundromat can be a nuisance without the proper equipment. Most people carry laundry in either a bag or basket, but few know the strengths and weaknesses of each. So let’s compare and determine which offers the most convenience and versatility?

Why Baskets Trump Bags

Bags boast portability—they are lightweight, foldable and flexible. Mesh varieties also let your laundry breathe. Unfortunately, bags do come with drawbacks:

  • They do not allow you to distribute weight;
  • They must be carried one-handedly;
  • They cannot handle bulky items like detergent bottles;
  • They wrinkle clean clothes on the way back home.

With a basket, you get handles for lifting your laundry. As well, the rectangular shape lets you lay down clothes flatly. When packed strategically, the extra space can accommodate other items without encumbering you further. Even empty, some people like to place their baskets on machines to claim them.

Most baskets have slits, so they ventilate laundry like bags and prevent damp clothes from molding. This makes them perfect for moving clothes between washer and dryer. Plastic models also offer greater resistance to water. Wicker, although fashionable, can snag clothes and become soggy over time.

Who Needs a Basket or Bag after All?

An ingenious Reddit user demonstrates how to transport laundry without a basket or bag (see image here). Follow the steps below if feeling adventurous:

  1. Lay down a towel or used pair of jeans;
  2. Clump your laundry on top, keeping smaller items like socks nearest the middle, then roll tightly together;
  3. Pick up the bundle with one arm and walk to the machines.

As creative as the approach above is, you might find it difficult to adopt if taking public transportation or driving to the laundromat. Unless wrapped in a sheet, the bundle will inevitably unfold itself when placed down.

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