The Evolution of the Laundromat


Are you looking to a laundromat to solve your laundry needs? The laundry market is changing and laundromats are changing with it! Traditionally, the consumer-base for laundromats have been those who did not have a washer and dryer at home; however, due to the immense amounts of laundry that many families generate, this is changing. Many people appreciate completing all their laundry needs at once opposed to completing small amounts every day.

Recognizing the amount of time consumers spend on laundry has prompted laundromats to create atmospheres catering more towards comfortability and productivity. More modern laundromats will offer complementary services such as:

  • Free WIFI
  • Snack Bars
  • Video Games
  • Kids’ centers

To better serve their market, some laundromats have expanded their services to include wash-and-fold and dry cleaning. This adds convenience as customers must only drop off their clothes.

These additional features make modern laundromats more appealing for both customers and owners. The customer experience is enhanced and owners have the ability to make more profit and grow their consumer-base.

So What Are Some of the Benefits to Laundromats?

Increases how much laundry you can do at once.

In most cases, doing laundry from home limits a person to one washer and one dryer. This puts a pretty small cap on how many clothes can be washed at once. Laundromats allow for one person to have multiple washing and drying machines going simultaneously.

Reduces how often you need to do laundry.

Although using a laundromat does force you to leave the comfort of your own home, it also minimizes how often you need to do laundry. At home, laundry may be a daily event, but using a laundromat can cut it down to once a week. That extra time off can be spent on more pressing issues in our lives.

Take advantage of better features

Due to the commercial nature of laundromats, they may provide you with washing options that your home washing machines did not have.

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