Spending Too Much Time on Your Laundry?

Spending Too Much Time on Your Laundry?

Although it is a necessary chore, it’s probably fair to say that most of us don’t enjoy partaking in laundry day. Hopefully, this advice will help reduce how long it takes to complete your laundry and allows you to spend more of your time engaging in activities you appreciate.

Lower How Often Clothing Articles Are Washed

Not all clothing (i.e. jeans) needs to be washed after their first use. Only washing clothes that are truly dirty reduces your load size. Smaller loads take less time for machines to wash and dry and you will be faster at putting them away.

Use Less Detergent

Using too much detergent creates an unnecessary amount of suds in the washing machine. This can mean a longer washing cycle for your clothes to be properly cleaned.

Incorporate Multiple Hampers into Your Laundry

Multiple laundry baskets may seem excessive to some; however, it’s a great way to stay organized and save time come laundry day. Using two hampers allows you to divide between colours and whites every time you put an article of clothing in the hamper. This means come laundry day, your clothes are already divided into their appropriate groups and ready for the washing machine.

Treat Stains Right Away

Treating stains right away can prevent you from having to do another load and ultimately having to replace your shirt. Treating stained clothing immediately prevents the risk of the stain becoming permanent–and no number of washes will get it out.

Fold Laundry Immediately

Folding laundry after removing it from the dryer is the most time-consuming part of the laundry process. Instead of putting off the agony for a later time, do it right away! Folding the clothes as they are placed back in the hamper also prevents them from getting wrinkled.

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