Do You Need to Use Fabric Softener?


Fabric softeners promise to remove rigidity, wrinkles, and odor from washed clothes. Nowadays, many liquid detergents include softening properties. Likewise, products like anti-static dyer sheets offer the same benefits without wet contact.

When it comes to liquid or sheet fabric softeners, many people believe them to be unnecessary. Some even claim they are harmful. While many softeners include irritating agents, purchasing for quality over price minimizes such concerns. Moreover, quality fabric softeners prevent discoloration.

The Worst Chemicals Found in Fabric Softener

Read your labels closely for the following chemicals, as identified by Thank Your Body and EWG. Associated risks include respiratory irritation, nervous system dysfunction, and cancer. Of course, these are severe and unlikely conditions, brought about from misuse. At any rate, seek environmental-friendly liquids with biodegradable agents for better results.

  • Benzyl acetate
  • Benzyl Alcohol
  • Ethanol
  • A-Terpineol
  • Ethyl Acetate
  • Camphor
  • Chloroform
  • Linalool
  • Pentane


How to Use Fabric Softener Correctly

Most laundry machines have drawers for softeners and liquid detergents. This is to prevent contact with fabric before the chemicals dissolve. Using the recommended amount also eliminates the risk of damage. For instance, pouring softeners directly onto your clothes will produce blotches and stains.

Note that fabric softeners should not be used with all types of clothing. In fact, some fabrics cannot handle it. Microfiber products are an example: softeners reduce their ability to retain and absorb moisture. For other delicates like undergarments, swim trunks, and athletic wear, softeners can also affect the breathability of the material.

If you’re looking for an alternative to fabric softeners, check your dryer for the “fluff air” setting. This cycle applies no heat, but rather tumbles your clothes to release tension created from hanging on a rack or clothes line.

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